COVID-19 Resources
We understand the stress and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and this information should be a reference for our residents to provide easy access to assistance and resources that are available during the crisis.
Protect Yourself
We encourage you to follow the CDC Guidelines on health and hygiene. In particular, wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Avoid close contact with sick people. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Stay home if you are sick. Avoid shaking hands and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Practice social distancing and keep at least 6 feet of space between you and other people.
Be Considerate of Others
Do not risk getting your friends and neighbors sick. While in common areas, please practice appropriate social distancing by keeping at least 6 feet between yourself and others. Wear a cloth face mask to help prevent the spread of droplets when you sneeze, cough or speak. You can find information from the CDC on making cloth face masks at If you or a member of your household is experiencing symptoms of illness, please do not enter common areas.
Use the Resident Portal
We have a robust resident portal through which you can enter emergency maintenance requests, pay HOA dues or rent, and renew your lease. Using the resident portal is a very convenient way to communicate and transact business with Falcon One Properties, and we highly recommend that you login to the resident portal to enter maintenance requests as well as pay your HOA dues or rent. You can access the portal at Falcon One AppFolio Sign-in.
Health & Well-Being Support
Below are some helpful websites for health and well-being:
Federal Level Financial Support is a website designed to provide information and access with regard to government benefit eligibility information, including links to state unemployment benefits. The COVID-19 dedicated page is highlights and summarizes the COVID-19 specific governmental resources.
The National Council on Aging has aggregated information for older adults and their caregivers to find assistance during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Small Business Administration has created a page with resources for impacted small businesses, including sole proprietors, independent contractors, and self-employed persons. states that it is the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the U.S. and most of Canada. At’s COVID-19 page, you can search for your local 211 provider and be connected directly to local COVID-19 resources. has a COVID-19 dedicated Q&A for current students and borrowers with regard to the CARES Act impact on student loan interest and payments.
CARES Act 2020 (Direct Payments and Enhanced Unemployment Benefits)
State Level Financial Support
North Carolina
South Carolina
Note: The materials and information referenced are provided for general and informational purposes only. They are not offered as, and do not constitute, legal advice or legal opinions.